Super Collider get-together

SCGT (SuperCollider Get Together) @

SCGT (SuperCollider Get Together)

when: 22.03.24 at 18.00-21.00

where: office Leitnergasse 7

number of people: 5-10

organising persons: Alisa Kobzar ( member, student at IEM), Gerhard Eckel (IEM)

An informal meeting of people using SuperCollider or just interested to learn more about it. Bring drinks, snacks, questions, problems, or solutions, to share with others.

SuperCollider serves for sound synthesis, generation, and manipulation, providing avenues for algorithmic music creation and immersive live coding. With its built-in support for Open Sound Control (OSC), it seamlessly connects with various applications like Ableton, Max/MSP, or VVVV, enabling integration with graphical user interfaces for interactive experiences.

Limited places. Previous informal registration with the full name, email address and mobile phone number is required.

Contact details for registration : Alisa Kobzar,

Letzter Update am 28.2.2024 10:34 Uhr